Friday, February 20, 2015

Why Learn Social Studies?

During Week 1, I have learned how to define Social Studies and the importance of teaching it to students. Students learn Social Studies from kindergarten to twelfth grade. I never really understood why Social Studies was a subject. Social Studies is defined as the study of individuals, the world, and society to promote civic competence. Social Studies consists of many disciplines including geography, history, sociology, anthropology, and many more. Each discipline provides different aspects of humans and society that can be applicable in the real world.

The main purpose of learning Social Studies is to develop civic competence to become involved in and learn about our society. Civic competence leads to becoming a better citizen in our democratic republic. By learning Social Studies, one can make contributions to society to improve our democracy. Understanding the ideas and values our democratic republic government can create and contribute different ideas. It is very important to improve our performance as citizens to make the world a better place.

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