Tuesday, February 10, 2015

What Other Tools Can Be Used to Present Information Besides Microsoft Word and PowerPoint?

Image result for glogsteredu
During the first week, we presented about ourselves using technology. We were given 15 different tools to use to introduce ourselves to the class. This provided us practice using technology which is important in the future. The tool I used was GlogsterEDU. This website is a type of presentation using a multimedia poster.

There are different templates to use that are very creative. This can be a good tool for students to present a book report, a biography, or testing an hypothesis using the scientific method. The poster tool can also be used for extracurricular activity posters and upcoming special events at school. All you do is pick a template, add pictures, and add different text boxes to add notes on the poster. This tool is an interesting way to present something and very simple to use!

Image result for prezi
Another tool I enjoyed looking at was Prezi. Prezi is a presentation software. It is similar to PowerPoint on Microsoft with a few differences. Users can navigate to each important part of the presentation and also use creative templates that make viewers more interested. This software can be used to present anything. Teachers can use it for lessons and students can use it for presentaions. It's free and easy to join!

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