Thursday, February 26, 2015

What is Cooperative Learning?

Cooperative learning is used in the classroom when students are put into groups and they have to work as a team or group to accomplish one goal. There are five basic elements of cooperative learning: positive interdependence, individual accountability, group processing, social skills, and face to face interaction. After observing the class working together using the Jigsaw method and making slideshows of the five basic elements, I feel like I understand these elements well.

   1. Positive interdependence: Every member is dependent on each other to achieve their goal. If one member of the group fails to do their part, then the whole group will fail to achieve their goal.

   2.  Individual accountability: Every group member should be equally contribute to the group's goal. Every student in the group takes responsibility for their part of the work.  

   3. Group processing: The group works together and reflect on each other's ideas. Every member rates their performance and their group members's performances after the completing the task.

   4. Social skills: The students use their communication skills in the group and learn how to work with each other. Students should help each other complete the task and remain positive when working in a group.

   5. Face to face interaction: The students in the group interact with each other to accomplish their goal. Interacting with each other can result in students teaching and helping each other.

When using Cooperative learning, each group member should have an individual role. Some roles include a researcher, timekeeper, team captain, writer, illustrator, and many more.

One type of cooperative learning strategy is the Jigsaw method. This is a method that has home groups and expert groups. Every student gets put in a group which is their home group. Each member in the group is assigned a specific role or something to research about. Every student that researches the same thing in the class meets their expert group to research together. After researching, the students report back to their home groups to explain to their group members what they learned. Here is an explanation of the Jigsaw method.

The Jigsaw method is very efficient and something I would use when I become a teacher. Students can learn the five elements of cooperative learning in the jigsaw strategy and learn how to work and behave well in a group.


  1. Three Pluses
    1) I liked how you define each element of cooperative learning
    2) I liked how you provided a video on the jigsaw technique
    3) I liked how you not only describe cooperative learning but related it back to the jigsaw strategy
    1) I wish you talked more about how important the elements of cooperative learning are and describe the roles during cooperative learning

    Good Work!

  2. Three Pluses
    1) I liked how you define each element of cooperative learning
    2) I liked how you provided a video on the jigsaw technique
    3) I liked how you not only describe cooperative learning but related it back to the jigsaw strategy
    1) I wish you talked more about how important the elements of cooperative learning are and describe the roles during cooperative learning

    Good Work!
