Thursday, April 2, 2015

Artifact Bag

Displaying IMG_3398.JPGThis week in class, we were assigned to make our own artifact bags on our unit plan. Artifact bags are bags with objects of the past that relate to a certain topic. This activity can be efficient in teaching an inquiry based lesson to get students to use their reasoning skills on guessing what the artifact is and how it can be related to the unit plan. My artifacts symbolized important events during the American Revolution. I decorated my bag to make it American themed to relate to my topic. 

My first artifact was tea bags. I used tea bags as a symbol of the Boston Tea Party. Students can understand that they actually used tea to dump into the Boston Harbor and they can also get a better understanding of the Boston Tea Party. 

My second artifact was a two dollar bill. On the front of the bill was Thomas Jefferson. On the back was the signing of the declaration of Independence. Students can understand the importance of Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence.

My third artifact was the Treaty of Paris. Students can visually see the treaty to learn more about it and understand how important it was since it officially ended the American Revolution. 

It was very interesting to see what everyone else brought in and how it tied to their lesson plans. This is a great lesson for students to get a hands-on and minds-on experience. I will use this activity when I become a teacher!

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